Preorder for The Yolks - Take Your Time 7" (limited edition of 100) out 8/20/2021
by The Yolks
$10.00 / Sold Out
Brand new 7" from the undisputed, undefeated, and undeniable Kings of Awesome, THE YOLKS!!! Even after more than 15 years of serving up nothing but hit after bonafide hit, The Yolks continue their unbroken streak of radical righteousness with this certified two-sided party banger. Take Your Time is what happens when, in the process of trying to write an Equals song, you end up somehow ripping off both sides of the single Little Green Hat by The Rantouls, as well as the Animals riffing on Johnny Otis in a song dedicated to Bo Diddley... whew! Add to this mix some killer vocal harmonies, a bouncing bass line, and some in the pocket drumming and you have a bubblegum song with a slight rocksteady influence (again, in the vein of the Equals) that is pop perfection, guaranteed to fill the dance floor at the local VFW or wherever cool people do cool things nowadays..
On the B side, The Yolks tread more familiar waters, delivering another of their trademarked danceable, pop rock and roll songs. This one is perhaps one of the most blatantly power pop songs of the many songs in their catalogue, in the vein of classic bands such as The Nerves or Incredible Kidda Band, or more recent power poppers, The Rubs. Again, just a great 2 minute pop song, that charges out of the gate and rips through the end so quickly that you'll be scrambling to drop the needle back at the beginning so you can hear it again and again.
This is a VERY limited edition of just 100, and we have really outdone ourselves with the design. Each record has a hand drawn label, as well as a four color silk screened sleeve, hand numbered out of 100. Honestly, each record visually is a piece of art worth well over the $10 price, and the fact that it holds two of the greatest songs ever recorded is just the icing on the cake. Find me a record that has a more beautiful design and I will punch you in your nose for lying to me, you lying bastard!
There are over 16 different combinations of different ink and paper colors. You can choose the one you like, or select "Any color combo is ok!" and I'll send you the dopest version I have in stock. Please note, I silk screened these myself, and I had never done more than one color silk screen before, so what you get might not look exactly like the pictures, but it'll look good!
For all you collector scum out there, here is the breakdown of how many of each were created:
Black paper, blue and green letters - 3 SOLD OUT!!!
Blue paper, purple and pink letters - 7 SOLD OUT!!!
Brown paper, blue and green letters - 3 SOLD OUT!!!
Brown paper, red and orange letters - 1 SOLD OUT!!!
Green paper, blue and green letters - 3 SOLD OUT!!!
Green paper, purple and pink letters - 9 SOLD OUT!!!
Orange paper, purple and pink letters - 6 SOLD OUT!!!
Orange paper, red and orange letters - 4 SOLD OUT!!!
Pink paper, blue and green letters - 5 SOLD OUT!!!
Pink paper, purple and pink letters - 10 SOLD OUT!!!
Purple paper, blue and green letters - 1 SOLD OUT!!!
Purple paper, purple and pink letters - 8 SOLD OUT!!!
Red paper, blue and green letters - 1 SOLD OUT!!!
White paper, purple and pink letters - 4 SOLD OUT!!!
White paper, red and orange letters -14 SOLD OUT!!!
Yellow paper, red and orange letters - 5 SOLD OUT!!!
Finally, if you want an uncut print of the cover, I made a bunch extra. You can have a copy for just $1 and hang it on your wall so hot dudes and hot chicks now that you are cool as fuck.